Poppy Hart

"Softly, with hands as gentle as rain... I shall strangle him."

WU/T Friendly | 21+ | Crystal, Diabolos Eastern Standard Time (NA)


General Information

Name: Shara Camoa Poppy Hart
Nickname(s): Pop, the Black Widow, the Harlot of Camoa
Age: Early-mid 70's
Name Day: 2nd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race | Clan: Viera | Rava
Gender: Female
Role: Dominant
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: Pansexual, Polyamorous
Status: Single
Occupation: Substance Dealer
Place Of Residence: The Goblet, Ul'dah
Tattoos: Red flowers as a body piece along her torso and arms
Height: 6'03"
Height: Late 100's
Body Type: Voluptuous | Hourglass
Voice Claim: Susan Egan as Meg
Alignment: Neutral Evil


STATLEVEL (out of 5)
Strength⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Dexterity⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Constitution⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Intelligence⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Wisdom⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Charisma⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁



  • Ambitious

  • Cunning

  • Methodical

  • Persuasive


  • Hedonistic

  • Detached

  • Impulsive

  • Blunt


  • Amoral

  • Selfish

  • Callous

  • Conniving



  • Ambitious - Once Poppy has a goal in her head, she will stop at nothing to see it fulfilled.

  • Cunning - A master of deceit to achieve means, she is never forthright and prone to spinning webs of lies.

  • Methodical - Everything has a way of being done, a due process to ensure success and her best outcome.

  • Persuasive - Pretty words, a bat of a lash, a foray in bed, giving you what you're fiending for - anything to get what she wants.


  • Hedonistic - Pleasures of the flesh far outweigh any form of discipline, and she will forever chase that high.

  • Detached - Human connection is fickle and meaningless - it's her against the world, only occasionally bringing people into her circle for nefarious reasons.

  • Impulsive - When she wants it, she wants it now, even if the method of achieving it is flippant and without much thought.

  • Blunt - Words are just words, and how others choose to take what she says is their problem, not hers.


  • Amoral - Right or wrong is of little consequence to her, putting priority on her wants over what society deems correct and proper.

  • Selfish - She is her own number one, and is primarily out to further her own agenda regardless the means.

  • Callous - She probably doesn't care about you, and cares even less about what hurts you.

  • Conniving - What methods she uses are a means to an end, even if the methods are legally, ethically and physically questionable.



  • Born in the Golmore jungle as Shara Camoa, she lived as most Rava, abiding by the Green Word and tending to the village and sacred land around them.

  • While trained in the art of Kriegstanz and apt in hunting, Poppy's true talent was in tending to and living off the jungle, her specialty being identifying and harvesting plants for both medicinal and poisonous properties.

  • Always one for being unruly and self-centered, Poppy was a troublemaker in the clan from the start. She felt the confines of the Green Word were too strict and sought out her own way of living, which lead to her breaking the rules of the Green Word repeatedly, primarily in sneaking away into the jungle to foray with the males, earning her the moniker of the 'Harlot of Camoa.'

  • This continued until she was discovered. Strict on the rules of the Green Word, she was exiled from the Jungle, left to fend for herself without the aid of her tribe. Always one for go big or go home, she decided to travel westward until she reached thr shores of Ul'dah.


  • Without prospects and without a way to feed herself, initially Poppy earned coin selling her body to those who would pay the coin. It was an intolerable, but it allowed her to bide her time as she learned about the new land she called home.

  • Her time as a girl in the red light lead her to many unsavory places, especially where drugs were concerned. She saw an opportunity there, one that appealed to her much more than sex ever could.

  • Procuring a bit of land, she gleaned her knowledge of working the earth from her time in the jungle and got to it: plants, flowers, fungus, even animals in some cases were all kept and tended to for both their poisonous, venomous and addictive qualities.

  • It has been a decade or so since the start, and Poppy has since found herself comfortable in her dealings, having built up a healthy list of clients. Despite being well-off financially, she lives modestly - preferring to stay inconspicuous so as not to draw attention to her and the shady deals she does under the cover of night.

Hooks & Rumors.


  • Nightlife Queen - The Viera can oftentimes be spotted in rather social situations such as nightclubs or bars. Dare to chat her up if she catches your gaze?

  • Shady Deals - Death or pleasure - whichever you prefer, she can provide it for you. Arsenic for your cheating husband's morning tea? Fungus to get you high enough to see the Gods? Perhaps you've heard of the Flower In The Lane, and she looks suspiciously a lot like her.

  • Sex Appeal - No matter how the cookie crumbles, she is striking to look at. Dare you make a pass at her and try your luck with the woman, and wind up another flower in her garden?

  • Golmore Jungle Native - A Rava straight from the heart of the Golmore Jungle, there may be a chance you've met her before if your character is also a Rava from the jungle.


  • Maneater - Coming from a matriarchal society, there is hushed whispers that the woman might be quite the misandrist at heart, showing a special fondness instead for the fairer sex.

  • If The Price Is Right - Her days between the sheets are over, she said - but some swear that if you pay just the right amount of gil, she may fall back into old habits.

  • Counting Bodies - Some in the streets call her the Black Widow - and some believe that is quite literal in that she has many a notch in her bedpost. Not from the amount of people she's slept with, but the amount of people she's killed.

  • Pain For Pleasure - She's a pretty face and a smooth talker, but some say that beneath that guise is a woman who just can't get off unless a little blood is drawn.


Batuhan Sanja

Former Employee | Client | Infatuation

"Sweet little wolf - you are such a lover, aren't you? But I see your fangs. I see you for the monster you are underneath it all. I see the real you, and I want you to embrace it; accept it, just as I do."


  • IC ≠ OOC: It goes without saying, but I am not my character. Please respect that difference before engaging in roleplay with me, it'll lead to a lot less drama.

  • RP Tag: If my RP tag is on, it means I am ready and willing to engage in roleplay with whomever! If it is off, you may still ask, but it likely means I am busy doing other things in game.

  • 21+ Roleplay IC and OOC: I roleplay adult and mature themes and am far passed 21 years old myself, and as such, I would appreciate if whomever I am roleplaying with is an adult, as well as the character they are roleplaying.

  • Not Available: I am happily taken IRL - please note that even if our characters are in a relationship, that does not mean I am interested in one OOC. Again, IC does not equal OOC, please do not make any moves on me.

  • Para/Multi Para RPer: Please note I do tend to RP long-form for the most part, but don't be shy to approach me if you RP short-form! I will do my best to match my RP pace to my partner.

  • Health: Please note the player suffers from a myriad of different diagnosed health issues, both mental and physical. Sometimes this means I'll be too worn out to really RP or play FFXIV, so I really appreciate your understanding if I take a day or two off sometimes!

  • Contact: I usually only give my Discord out to people that I get to know in game first, either through RP or OOC conversation. Please don't be hurt if I don't give it out to you right away, I mean nothing bad by it!

  • ERP: I have no problems with erotic writing, but would ask that any ERP encounters with Poppy be plot-driven. I don't really feel comfortable with random ERP just for the sake of it unless you're a really good friend. (No Lala and Hrothgar please.)

  • Walk-Ups and OOC Planning Welcome: I'm shy af and slow to approach people, but I'm actually a nice person, I promise. I really love discussing plots with people! Please come say hi, even if it's in my /tells, and let me know what plots you have in mind.